Musical inspirations and materials often emanate from outstanding literary works. Richard Strauss based his symphonic poem on Nietzsche’s essay Thus Spoke Zarathustra, a veritable musical response to philosophical thoughts contrasting man and nature. Bernstein’s Second Symphony (“The Age of Anxiety”) took inspiration from the British modernist poet W.H. Auden, manifesting itself as a symphony with the piano soloist as the protagonist, symbolizing Bernstein’s instrumental prowess and compositional aesthetics.
2146th concert since the GSO’s inaugural “Music Season” in May 1998
Subscription Concert 8
Organizers: Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Xinghai Concert Hall
Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall
Long Yu, conductor
Sun Chang, piano
Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra
Richard Strauss
Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30
2.Von den Hinterweltlern
3.Von der großen Sehnsucht
4.Von den Freuden und Leidenschaften
5.Das Grablied
6.Von der Wissenschaft
7.Der Genesende
8.Das Tanzlied
9.Das Nachtwandlerlied
—— Intermission ——
Leonard Bernstein
Symphony No.2(The Age of Anxiety)
Part I
1.The Prologue
2.The Seven Ages
3.The Seven Stages
Part II
1.The Dirge
2.The Masque
3.The Epilogue
Sun Chang, piano