Mozart’s final violin concerto, his fifth, is larger in scale than his previous four. Endowed with gorgeous melodies one following another, there is a tinge of French flavor set against a strong Austro-German form. Bruckner’s Symphony No. 6 in A major is among the composer’s shorter and more concise symphonic works, containing bold harmonic and formal structures that encapsulate something extremely spiritual and deep. Quite a few critics have described this as the composer’s “most complex and beautiful work.”

  • Time:2024-11-03 20:00
  • Venue:Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall
  • Price:¥680/480/380/280/180/80

Subscription Concert 6
Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Violin Concerto No.5 in A major, K.219

Anton Bruckner
Symphony No.6 in A major, WAB 106

Lü Jia, conductor
Lee Hyunyoung, violin