This concert pays tribute to composer Georges Bizet with three of his most famous works: Les Pêcheurs de perles, L’Arlésienne and Carmen.Rodion Shchedrin’s Carmen Suite for percussion and string orchestra, adapted from Bizet’s opera Carmen, has 13 segments that are innovative in terms of melody and rhythm, surprising listeners with unusual turns. Bizet’s first opera, Les Pêcheurs de perles, tells a love story set in Sri Lanka, fully demonstrating the extraordinary melodic creation and orchestration skills of a 25-year-old composer. Carmen is probably one of the most famous operatic works in the repertory today. And the incidental music to L’Arlésienne is well-loved on the concert stage.

  • Time:2025-07-19 20:00
  • Venue:Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall
  • Price:¥680/480/380/280/180/80

Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra 2024/2025 Season Closing Concert
Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall

Rodion Shchedrin
Carmen Suite

Georges Bizet
Selections from L’Arlésienne Suite
Selections from Les pêcheurs de perles
Selections from Carmen

Long Yu, conductor
Zhang Meigui, soprano
Zhu Huiling, mezzo-soprano
Zhang Long, tenor
Wang Yunpeng, baritone