Two works in D minor by Austrian composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Anton Bruckner are presented in this concert. The Piano Concerto No.20 was Mozart’s first piano concerto in a minor key; it was also among Beethoven’s favorite. With its grand form, rich emotions, strong dramatic force and gorgeous piano passages, this is a classical masterpiece against the backdrop of the Sturm und Drang movement, which also foreshadows the opera Don Giovanni. Bruckner’s Symphony No.9 was written during the last six years of the composer’s life. It was his “farewell” and he inscribed it “to my beloved God.” Unfortunately, the composer did not live to finish the last movement. Bruckner showed his piety and explored the use of dissonance in great depth in this symphony, the slow movement even ending in dissonance.

  • Time:2024-09-13 20:00
  • Venue:Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall
  • Price:¥680/480/380/280/180

2128th concert since the GSO’s inaugural “Music Season” in May 1998

Subscription Concert 2
Organizers: Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Xinghai Concert Hall
Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall
Jacek Kaspszyk, conductor
Tony Siqi Yun, piano
Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Piano Concerto No.20 in D minor, K.466
3.Allegro assai

Tony Siqi Yun, piano

—— Intermission ——

Anton Bruckner
Symphony No.9 in D minor, WAB 109
1.Feierlich, misterioso
2.Scherzo: Bewegt, lebhaft
3.Adagio: Langsam, feierlich