Liadov’s The Enchanted Island fully confirms the composer’s talent and creativity, especially in light of his vibrant harmonies and exquisite instrumentation. Glazunov was a worthy descendant combining both Russian nationalism and the Austro-German tradition: his Violin Concerto is structurally tight, its melodies infused with Russian national characteristics. Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition has long been praised as a breakthrough masterwork combining Russia’s rich heritage and innovative compositional technique. Of the many existing orchestrations of the original piano version, Ravel’s has become the most popular. In this outstanding rendition, the ideas and sentiments of every picture are portrayed in dazzling orchestral sound and color.
Subscription Concert 10
2024.2.23 Fri. 20:00
Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall
Anatol Liadov
The Enchanted Lake, Op.62
Alexander Glazunov
Violin Concerto in A minor, Op.82
Modest Mussorgsky
Pictures at an Exhibition
(arr. Maurice Ravel)
Huang Yi, conductor
Nancy Zhou, violin