
In 2007, the 79-yearold Ennio Morricone received an Honorary Academy Award in recognition of a lifetime creating memorable music for film, but he has long been revered as a film composer par excellence, having scored more than 500 films and television series. His music, strong in molding both character and atmosphere, has enthralled filmgoers for decades! The GSO invites Italian maestro Diego Basso, a longtime Morricone expert, to lead our orchestra, performing selections along with footage from the original films. What a splendid musical feast to share with friends and family!

  • Time:2015-12-24 20:00
  • Venue:Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall
  • Price:¥VIP580/380/280/180/100

Ennio Morricone

Selections from Nuovo Cinema Paradiso

Theme from Malena

Selections from The Mission

Selections from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Francesca Sassu, soprano

Finale for Concerto Romantico Interrotto from Canone Inverso
—— Intermission ——
Ennio Morricone

Selections from Once Upon a Time in America

Selections from The Legend of 1900

Theme from Once upon a time in the West
Francesca Sassu, soprano

Theme from Duck, You Sucker !
Francesca Sassu, soprano

Theme from A fistful of Dollars

Theme from For a Few Dollars More

Theme from Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (reprise)