Johnson, a twenty-year-old pianist from Hong Kong, embarked on his musical journey at the age of four. Over the years, his dedication and passion for playing piano have led to remarkable achievements. Taking center stage as a soloist, Johnson delivered captivating performances with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Jun Markl, the China Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Long Yu, and the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Christoph Eschenbach.

Johnson’s musical talents have also resonated with global audiences through solo collaborations with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, and the Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra.

Dazzling audiences with his playing, he has illuminated the concert stage in prestigious venues, including Toronto’s Roy Thompson Hall, the Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall, and the Hong Kong Cultural Center. In addition to his solo performances, Johnson is a sought-after chamber musician. He has participated in various music festivals, including the 2022, 2023, and 2024 Kneisel Hall Festivals.

Johnson is currently pursuing his undergraduate degree in piano performance under the tutelage of Mr. Robert McDonald at the Juilliard School. His musical journey has been nurtured by dedicated mentors – Mr. Zihua Chen and Ms. Eleanor Wong, who have contributed significantly to shaping his musical identity.